Minor Surgery

We are able to offer to our registered patients a range of surgical procedures. Our clinics are held on a Thursday morning at St George’s surgery with Dr Gillett and a Nurse. We advise all patients who consider that they need a procedure to see a GP first. It is then possible to book in to a minor surgery appointment at reception.

Services provided

NHS patients are not entitled to “cosmetic” procedures. This means that lesions on the skin which are not liked or are unsightly, without any concerning features, are not normally allowed to be removed.

If a benign (innocent) lesion is causing other problems such as catching or bleeding then it may be considered for removal. Please discuss this with your GP before booking.

We are also able to remove cysts on the eyelids called Meibomium cysts within the surgery. We offer liquid Nitrogen (freezing) treatments for certain types of skin problems, such as sun damage (Solar keratosis) and warts, but recommend to try over the counter treatments for warts/verrucas first.

Patients experiencing recurring ingrowing toenail problems can be offered nail surgery. This usually prevents the problem recurring by removing part, or occasionally all of the affected toenail. This is quite involved for the patient as a large dressing is worn on the toe for some days after, and usually requires 2 weeks of daily dressing changes.

What is involved?

All surgery carries a degree of risk. Within minor surgery these risks are very small. However any procedure involving cutting of the skin can result in unsightly scarring, bleeding and/or infection. We counsel all of our patients undergoing such procedures for this. We suggest that they decide how much the problem is bothering them before undergoing such a procedure, and if possible advise on other perhaps less invasive solutions.

Generally the area to be treated is given a local anaesthetic injection, to make the area numb. After this has taken effect the patients may feel the area move but won’t feel any pain. If a part is cut then this is usually stitched with non-dissolving stitches which will require removal by the nurse. This is usually 7-14 days later, depending on the part of the body stitched.

If something is removed during minor surgery, then this is usually sent to the lab to check that it is harmless by looking at it under the microscope (histology).

Advice will be given regarding care of the wound after the procedure, and what to do if it bleeds or if you think it has become infected.